The Fear of Everything by Andra Pape

My mother had a saying when I was little. “…this side of heaven.” She used it when unforeseen things happened…tragedies that begged for explanation when none was available. She would simply say, “We aren’t meant to understand it this side of heaven.” As a child I never understood that phrase. It often times was told…

A Fresh Start by Melissa Todd

A Fresh Start can be defined as an opportunity to start over without prejudice; a clean slate, a chance, a new opportunity. Where are you on your life journey? Are you tired of the same day-to-day routine and you want something new? Do you need a vacation to clear your mind? Or have you found yourself in…

Moments that Matter

Moments that Matter by Tiffani Long   January sits on the calendar all shiny and new–so much promise and hope of things to come!   With a new year beginning, some of us are already excited for moments ahead–perhaps a significant birthday or anniversary (twenty years for me and my love!), a birth for you…

One Defining Moment

One Defining Moment by Becca Parrott It was a beautiful day outside. The people surrounding us were beginning their hikes, laughing with one another, sipping on a favorite drink. The opposite atmosphere was within Trey’s truck. In one simple moment, I shared my heart and his look will always be etched in my memory. Trey…