“Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is ” (Ephesians 5:15-17 NIV). I’m in a quandary—a state of uncertainty or distress involving a difficult situation. I am not…
Recent Blog Posts
Sweet readers, we have made it to the “ember” months! Fall is almost here! Anyone who knows me, knows I LOVE spooky season. I love scary movies and thrillers. Getting scared is fun for me…when it’s not real. But lately, my fear has been of “real” things. We all have been facing very real fears.…
Tecia is with us this week!! Join her as she talks about her sweet time with the Lord and how sometimes it’s so important to be refreshed by “coming home” to Jesus! Want more information about CHM or the Gathering? Subscribe to CHM for emailed updates! (we don’t share your information!) Register for The Gathering…
Monthly Scripture Verses
Click to download our themed monthly scripture reading plans. The can be used as a daily devotional, journaling, prayer guides, or however the Holy Spirit leads. Be Blessed!
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Tecia and CHM
Tecia Farmer Janes is the Founder/Director of Choosing Him Ministries. She is our fearless leader with an amazing heart for women’s ministry. She lives in Newnan, Georgia with her husband and two children. Tecia received her Bachelor of Science degree in Christian Ministry from Point University, which helped to flame her desire to encourage women to study God’s word for themselves. She is passionate about connecting our lives with the people of the Bible and teaching others how to pursue a personal and contagious faith. Choosing Him Ministries came out of her love for the Lord and her passion to connect women with Jesus, His Word, and each other. Her speaking engagements have included local women’s ministry groups, special events, and women’s retreats. Tecia is also a published author, check out her books available on Amazon!
Choosing Him Ministries came out of Tecia’s love for the Lord and her passion to connect women with Jesus, His Word, and each other. Choosing Him is three-fold focusing on special events, speaking engagements, and a writing ministry. Our special events include our gatherings where women attending will participate in a time of worship, hear a personal testimony, and hear a message from Tecia. Our speaking engagements have included local women’s ministry groups, special events, and women’s retreats. Our writing ministry includes writing resources such as Bible studies and devotionals, and encouraging and spotlighting Christian women bloggers on our website.
About CHM
Choosing Him Ministries is a nondenominational, nonprofit Christian ministry that seeks to connect women with Jesus, God’s Word, and each other. We do this through special events, speaking engagements, and our written resources.
Support CHM
We couldn’t do it without your support! There are many ways you can support Choosing Him Ministries – praying for our ministry, financially supporting us, following and interacting with us on social media, purchasing our books and fundraising merchandise, reading/liking/sharing our blog posts, and inviting people to our events. LEARN MORE
The Gathering
Speaker – Bre Harper
October 17, 2024
Southwest Christian Church, Newnan, GA
6:30-8:00 pm
Doors open at 6:00, appetizers served