Shame – how do you move beyond it? I lived with shame for most of my life. UNWORTHY was my battle cry. It affected every area of my life. I had zero self-confidence and beating myself up seemed to be my favorite pastime. Until one day a good friend asked me if I believed that Jesus died for ALL people. Of course, I do. Her follow-up question stopped my rhythmic heartbeat. She asked, “Why was His death on the cross not good enough for your sin and shame?” That question hit me so hard that I couldn’t even respond. It caused a supernatural phenomenon because I was silent the remainder of the day, and I’m never silent.I heard that question on repeat the rest of the day. I went to bed with it heavy on my heart. The next morning I surrendered my guilt and shame to the One who died so that I could be free. I’m still not proud of my imperfect past, but Jesus died for those sins; every single one of them!
God has removed my sins as far as the east is from the west. He wants me to live a forgiven life. Since then when the temptations come, and they do, I practice gratitude. I thank God for all the blessings in my life. I list them out to remind myself of all that God has done to alter who I have become. When the enemy tries to remind me who I once was, I praise God for who I am in Christ.
What’s your story? Do you carry the weight of past regret like it’s tattooed on your heart? Believe me, when I tell you, it wasn’t meant to be that way. Do you believe that Jesus died for ALL people? Are you telling Him by your actions that the sacrifice He made for you wasn’t good enough? I urge you to surrender ALL of your past guilt and shame to Him. It’s time to live a forgiven life.
For further reading see the entire chapter of Romans 6.
Stacey Daley
CHM Contributor and Administrator