Yesterday I was sitting in church pondering the anguish Christ felt as His own people rejected Him, and sentenced Him to die a horrible death on the cross.
As I contemplated that anguish another thought crossed my mind. I’ve never pondered before that perhaps our Savior felt a certain amount of anguish when He chose to leave the perfection of heaven to enter the sin-laden world. I’ve always considered the miracle of His birth with joy and thanksgiving. But as I sat in the stillness of communion, my heart ached at the thought of our perfect Lord in all His glory bending down to become a perfect man in a broken world.
Oh, the anguish He must have felt. When I see my children making mistakes and know that they will have to live out the consequences, it grieves my heart. I made those same mistakes and I personally know how difficult the consequences can be.
Oh, how we grieve the Holy Spirit when we cast Him aside as unimportant, or not as important as the world. Do we fail to remember that the world is in existence because our Heavenly Father chose to create it? Do we fail to recognize that He chose to make man in His image?
He chose to love us and gave us the world. He should hold the most important place in our hearts. But so often we cast Him aside. How often do we ignore His instruction to us? God loved us so much that He was willing to leave the throne room of heaven to enter the broken world to save us from spiritual death.
Then shouldn’t we give Him more? More honor, more glory, more of our hearts?
Oh, the anguish He must have felt as He willingly entered such a dark and broken world to rescue us. Lord, may we consider ALL that You left to save us.
As we enter into the Christmas season may we reflect wholly on You. In all the hustle and bustle may we stop and remember that You are the reason that we celebrate. May we not only contemplate the miracle of Your birth but also the fact, You also had to die in order to save us.
Because of your death, we have been set free.
Because of Your resurrection, we have a new life.
Because You ascended into heaven, we too have an eternal home with You in the presence of God.
How can we not fall to our knees in worship? How can we not give You praise? Thank You for completing the ultimate rescue mission that began with Your birth.
As we think about ‘baby Jesus’ may we also contemplate the entire plan of salvation and may our hearts be full as we recognize what you gave up to become ‘baby Jesus’.
Stacey Daley
CHM Contributor and Administrator