Encountering God by Amy Schlichter

Encountering God is the desire of every believer, and even unbeliever, although they may not realize it. A wrestle with Him, gold lettering on a wall, a separation of waters to walk through; these examples from the Word make rubbing shoulders with God seem far off, distant, something designed only for a special forces type…

The Pefect Church by Gloria Kuykendall

“Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful” (Colossians 3:15 NIV). Once upon a time there was a perfect church. The choir never sang a wrong note and the music minister picked songs that everyone liked to sing. Church members…

Smoke & Flames by Rhilyn Bowman

“Have you prayed about it?” If you’re reading this, you’ve most likely been asked this question at some point in your life. Oftentimes, when talking to a fellow believer about a difficult season you are walking through, that is the first thing they think to ask. Everything in your body wants to scream, “YES! Don’t…