There are times in our lives when we must make hard decisions; decisions about a fractured friendship, a family member that has fallen into bad habits or even taking a hard stand for your faith when others don’t understand.
I have found that there are many people today who interpret scripture thru the lens of keeping peace above doing the hard thing and standing firm on God’s word. There should be no interpretation, no excuses, but just doing exactly what the Bible instructs us to do.
Why is this? Maybe it is to keep peace. Maybe it’s just too hard, alienating or condemning. But rest assured we will all answer for what we do and what we don’t do while here on Earth.
I for one want God’s blessings. I want to know that when I take my last breath on Earth that My God will welcome me and be able to say to me, He knew me. I am not without sin, far from it, but each day I try to do the right thing and I’ll make those hard decisions no matter what others might say of me.
Be courageous and stand firm. Listen for God to speak to you through the Holy Spirit. God is faithful to lead us. He gives us light during the dark times. His timing is perfect even when nothing seems to be happening and nothing makes sense to us. We must always remember to keep our trust in God no matter how hard the situation. He will guide us as we make those hard decisions. God wants the very best for each of His Children.
Proverbs 3:5-6 states, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight”
Lean in to God, seek His advice and counsel in all that you do. God is Solid. Strong. Stable.