There are two things that literally make me giddy: Dolphins and Rainbows!
I can’t exactly explain my response, but my voice gets higher and I instantly stop what I am doing and stare in amazement every time I see one. As I look out into the ocean today, I can see ten dolphins in three different groups. It’s just beautiful and absolutely thrilling for me.
Last week, one of the strongest storms I have seen in a long time swept quickly in, halting everyone in their steps and then left just as quickly, leaving a mess behind. When I walked outside after the storm, I saw the most vibrant rainbow I have ever seen. I giggled, gasped and pulled the car over to take pictures, all while my daughter laughed at me hiding in embarrassment! Yes, I am sure I looked like a silly school girl!
There are also two things that can cause me great fear; storms and the ocean.
Both of these provide a great unknown. Will this be a small storm? Will this be a huge storm? Will this bring refreshment or cause devastating destruction? The unknown can be crippling because we can’t see the other side. I can’t control or influence either one. I feel very vulnerable in the midst of both of these.
The irony here is in the midst of both fears, there is a sense of great comfort. There is something very soothing to the soul to see God’s creation in its element, untouched and perfect. The ocean is an amazing thing. It can bring great joy and relaxation at times. At other times, it can bring great tragedy and fear.
When I look at the vastness of the water and see the dolphins swimming or storm that has passed and the vibrancy of the rainbow, I am reminded of God’s faithfulness and His provision. He is there. He will get us through and like the dolphins who peak their noses up in the air, God will give us glimpse of Him at work when we seek to see Him.
It’s easier to see a rainbow, which comes after the storm has passed. It is a grand blessing, visible to everyone. It’s very natural to give God glory as everyone around you sees His promises being fulfilled on the other side.
As I sit and stare intently into the ocean, I am looking for the dolphin fin to come to the surface. If I am still and allow my eyes to rest, I find him. If I am in constant motion, I miss him. If turn to the side and tell someone else to look, I miss seeing the blessing.
Have you ever seen a dolphin and then tell your friend, “look, did you see it?” Inevitably, they did not and now you both missed seeing it. This happens to me all the time!
It’s harder to sit and focus on seeing God in the storm or the unknown sea in front of us. Sometimes God gives us a special blessing, just for us, just to encourage us in the moment and to let us know, “I see you!
Whatever the storm, whatever the fear, God sees you. He sees me. He is there on the grand stage and He is there in my private world. Whether that storm has passed or is before you, whether the fear of the “what if” surrounds you, He is there. He is grander than our storms and bigger than our fears, we just have to look and fix our eyes on Him. He is already there. Hebrews 12:2 says it like this:
“Fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith”
There is an old hymn which says it perfectly:
“Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face
and the things of earth will go strangely dim,
in the light of His Glory and Grace.”
Tecia Janes – Founder of CHM