For a while now I have been observing the world as being upside down and backwards. Over the last few years I’ve had conversations with my elderly parents, wondering out of curiosity, if they have ever seen this type of madness in their lifetime. I hesitate to have these conversations in front of my 16-year-old because I don’t want to invite fear into our home. When he starts to feel overwhelmed by fear my first question to him has always been, and continues to be, “What is the worst-case scenario?” Typically, his response is, “That we all die.” And of course, I remind him that because we know Jesus and have been purchased by His blood, dying is actually the ultimate living. I expect for a 16-year-old who has not fully lived, this is not the most comforting words that he seeks. He just wants to know that it’s all going to be okay. And it is.
Fear creates panic, panic creates madness and madness creates all types of havoc. How then do we abstain from fear? How do we keep up with the current news and at the same time not fear?
For me, it’s about allowing God to remind me WHO He is. You see, when we spend time in the Word of God, He speaks to our hearts. He reminds us of His ways, His plan and His love for us.
John 14:27(HCSB), “Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Your heart must not be troubled or fearful.”
When I watch the news, when I try to wrap my mind around the current events and my mind begins to wander, I immediately say to God, “I trust in Your plan. You know how this all ends,
and I know that You take those things the enemy means as harm and You will make it into something good. Refresh my mind with Your thoughts, increase my faith in the chaos.”
Fear is not from God. Fear, my friend is from the Enemy. We must not nurture the spirit of fear because when we allow ourselves to dwell on our anxious thoughts, fear grow into an ugly monster and wreaks havoc on our mind. Instead, we must dwell on the truth of God’s Word.
The popular saying, “You cannot fear and be thankful at the same time.” Is on repeat in my mind. One of the best things you can do for an anxious mind is to be prayerful and offer God a heart full of praise and thanksgiving. It is impossible to break the cycle of fear without God. God is in control, He knows the future, and we can trust Him! Nothing is impossible for God.
Soak in the Word of God and allow His truth to permeate your mind, heart and soul. There is power and life in the Word and if you allow it, not only will God break the cycle of fear in your own mind, but He will also use you to help others combat their battle with fear.
I would like to offer you a few scriptures as a starting point. But don’t stop here. Keep digging into the Word and watch what God will do with your fear.
Isaiah 4:10, 2 Timothy 1:7, Joshua 1:9, Isaiah 35:4, Psalm 55:22, Psalm 46:1, Zephaniah 3:17 and Psalm 91:1-16
Stacey Daley
CHM Staff/Contributor