Freedom by Annette Burrell

Do you suffer from guilt? Is it weighing you down? Admittedly, I suffer from this awful “disease” as I call it. Sure, I pray and thank God for His creation and everything that He has blessed me with. I pray for the health and safety of my family and friends and I pray the same…


“Uncle B” by Kasey Hanson

         Psalm 27:1 “The Lord is my light and my salvation – whom shall I fear?” What a unique treasure for our family to own three campers! My husband, Chris and I have been camping for only three years, while his brother’s family, as well as his parents have a few more adventures under their…


Rest in His Power by Angela Scott

“Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him.”   Psalm 37:7 Ahhhh….rest. How that word often escapes me. Between my responsibilities as a mother, wife, employee, my church, family and friends; rest is almost a foreign word. Something always needs to be done, and in my world, it needs to be done right now.…


Encountering God by Bre Harper

The story of Jacob wrestling with God is told in Genesis 32. The ESV translation uses the term “striven” which means “to struggle”. I am sure that many people would admit that they have wrestled or struggled with God at times during their life. The quick backstory on Jacob is that he was already a…
