Unasnwered Prayers by Darlene Burnette

I have learned many things from unanswered prayers. When God does not answer our prayers, do we try to understand why? Do we ask ourselves. “what could He be saying to us?” and “what He could be trying to teach us about ourselves in this situation? Maybe the timing isn’t right. God’s delays are not…

P.U.S.H. by Daphne Stephens

P.U.S.H. (Pray and Praise Until Something Happens)!   What do you do in times of trouble or spiritual warfare when the enemy is attacking you, your health, your family, your marriage and your finances?   During these times, do you murmur, complain, have pity parties, temper tantrums, get angry, bitter or get depressed? Second Corinthians 10:4…

Moments that Matter

Moments that Matter by Tiffani Long   January sits on the calendar all shiny and new–so much promise and hope of things to come!   With a new year beginning, some of us are already excited for moments ahead–perhaps a significant birthday or anniversary (twenty years for me and my love!), a birth for you…