In a Quandary by Gloria Kuykendall

“Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is ” (Ephesians 5:15-17 NIV). I’m in a quandary—a state of uncertainty or distress involving a difficult situation. I am not…

Forgiveness is a Choice

    What makes forgiveness such a hard choice? Why do so many of us struggle with offering forgiveness? Choosing to forgive in this world often seems like we are validating the act; that in some way, we are saying what happened is okay. Forgiveness can be seen as a sign of weakness or a…

Forgiveness by Lauren Mitchell

I think un-forgiveness is one of Satan’s favorite tools. There is no better way to multitask for Satan than to get the victim to become a perpetrator. When we are hurt, Satan knows we are our most vulnerable. We get so completely focused on the wounds and nursing them and ourselves, that we take our…

One Defining Moment

One Defining Moment by Becca Parrott It was a beautiful day outside. The people surrounding us were beginning their hikes, laughing with one another, sipping on a favorite drink. The opposite atmosphere was within Trey’s truck. In one simple moment, I shared my heart and his look will always be etched in my memory. Trey…