P.U.S.H. by Daphne Stephens

P.U.S.H. (Pray and Praise Until Something Happens)!   What do you do in times of trouble or spiritual warfare when the enemy is attacking you, your health, your family, your marriage and your finances?   During these times, do you murmur, complain, have pity parties, temper tantrums, get angry, bitter or get depressed? Second Corinthians 10:4…

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CHM Guest Contributor Daphne Stephens

Meet Daphne Stephens!! “I  am very passionate about the word of God, intercessory prayer, serving others, educating children, making disciples, being Justin, Joseph, Joshua (my three sons; 32, 29, 23) and my students biggest cheerleader!I was born and raised in Miami, Florida; moved to Atlanta at the age of 19; married at the age of…

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