Entangled by Annette Burrell

At the beach, warning flags are posted near lifeguard areas to give beach goers an indication of what to expect when going in the ocean. For example, green: low hazard, calm conditions; yellow: medium hazard, moderate surf and/or currents; red: high hazard, high surf and/or strong currents; red over red (two red flags): beach closed…

Forgiveness by Lauren Mitchell

I think un-forgiveness is one of Satan’s favorite tools. There is no better way to multitask for Satan than to get the victim to become a perpetrator. When we are hurt, Satan knows we are our most vulnerable. We get so completely focused on the wounds and nursing them and ourselves, that we take our…

The Days After….

My heart has been focused on the days after Easter more than before this year. I don’t know why, but God has taught me such about the days after.  While the days leading up to the death and resurrection are the defining moments of our Savior, it’s what we do the day after that makes…