Waiting Well by Angela Scott

“I wait [patiently] for the Lord, my soul [expectantly] waits, And in His word do I hope. Psalms 130:5 AMP   How do you wait? Is it with an impatient and anxious spirt or is it with peace knowing that the Lord sees the whole picture and you can’t. The same God who spoke all things…

A Meeting Place by Angela Scott

Four children, a two story home with a brick front, a large yard, 5 bedrooms, a spacious master bedroom and a luxurious spa-like bathroom… was what I had always dreamed of. Throughout the years, I’ve been blessed to acquire some of what I fantasized about, although I’m still working on the spa-like bathroom:)   Ahhh…

New Life By Annette Burrell

Summer is coming to an end and Autumn is just around the corner and I can already see the changes coming. There was a gentle rain last evening and I awoke to dead leaves scattered on my lawn. Fresh tomatoes so abundantly available in June and July are long gone and their vines are withering…

Entangled by Annette Burrell

At the beach, warning flags are posted near lifeguard areas to give beach goers an indication of what to expect when going in the ocean. For example, green: low hazard, calm conditions; yellow: medium hazard, moderate surf and/or currents; red: high hazard, high surf and/or strong currents; red over red (two red flags): beach closed…