Freedom by Annette Burrell

Do you suffer from guilt? Is it weighing you down? Admittedly, I suffer from this awful “disease” as I call it. Sure, I pray and thank God for His creation and everything that He has blessed me with. I pray for the health and safety of my family and friends and I pray the same…

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“Uncle B” by Kasey Hanson

         Psalm 27:1 “The Lord is my light and my salvation – whom shall I fear?” What a unique treasure for our family to own three campers! My husband, Chris and I have been camping for only three years, while his brother’s family, as well as his parents have a few more adventures under their…

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Rest in His Power by Angela Scott

“Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him.”   Psalm 37:7 Ahhhh….rest. How that word often escapes me. Between my responsibilities as a mother, wife, employee, my church, family and friends; rest is almost a foreign word. Something always needs to be done, and in my world, it needs to be done right now.…

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