The Missing Piece by Kasey Hanson

When we allow God to give us a quest mentality, His presence fully redeems our past and restores our happily every after with Him.    Our new puppy ate a piece of my Disney puzzle. My daughter, Kylie, and I immediately threw the entire puzzle away. Puzzle piece number 376 with shades of blue for…

Welcome Kasey Hanson to our team!

Choosing Him Ministries would like to welcome Kasey Hanson to our writing contributor team. Kasey’s depth and humility have a special way of highlighting Jesus in every detail of our lives. Follow her on her upcoming blog, The Missing Place, on this website or on Choosing Him Ministries Facebook.

The Ministry of Motherhood by Angela Scott

Motherhood, although with its many ups and downs, is one of the greatest blessings God bestows on women. We were chosen to bring forth life. We carry and nurture this beautiful blessing in our womb, patiently waiting for the day our little treasure is born. We’ve sacrificed our bodies, our wants and sometimes even our…

Encountering God by Bre Harper

The story of Jacob wrestling with God is told in Genesis 32. The ESV translation uses the term “striven” which means “to struggle”. I am sure that many people would admit that they have wrestled or struggled with God at times during their life. The quick backstory on Jacob is that he was already a…

Walking in Anointing by Angela Scott

We are all a work in progress. There is never an area in our lives where we are ever truly “completed”. We strive for better everyday. We strive for a better attitude, better relationships, better control of our tongue, better health, better finances, and the list goes on. We are always striving to be better.…

Dream by Annette Burrell

Have you ever had a dream? This is not an actual dream that occurs when you are in a deep sleep, but a dream to DO something or BE somebody. Those types of dreams often come to us and we quickly dismiss them as unattainable. Why is it that something so beautiful as a life-long…

Approved! by Bre Harper

It seems like our approval and our worth go hand in hand, doesn’t it? Where does our worth come from?  What makes us feel worthy? I can think of many different things that make me feel worthy. As a mom, it’s big accomplishments like remembering to feed my kids or understanding fifth grade math.  Or…