Broken Cisterns by Angela Scott

My parents have a cistern and in fact many of the homes across the Caribbean do too. In case you’re not familiar with the term, a cistern is a waterproof receptacle used for holding water and is usually the first step in building most homes in the islands. It differs from a well in that…

Student for Life by Kasey Hanson

If I am the star of the show, superhero or villain, then it maybe time for a dose of humility.   “It’s hard to admit when we might not be awesome at something, but at the same time admit we aren’t complete losers. We are learners. As adults, our pride tries to entertain us assuming…

Freedom to Love by Andra Pape

During the month of July, we often step back and evaluate our freedoms. We take stock of the sacrifices that were made in order to provide us with such amazing rights. As a country, this is often a time to evaluate what we believe, what we stand for, and what rights we are willing to…

Freedom by Annette Burrell

Do you suffer from guilt? Is it weighing you down? Admittedly, I suffer from this awful “disease” as I call it. Sure, I pray and thank God for His creation and everything that He has blessed me with. I pray for the health and safety of my family and friends and I pray the same…

“Uncle B” by Kasey Hanson

         Psalm 27:1 “The Lord is my light and my salvation – whom shall I fear?” What a unique treasure for our family to own three campers! My husband, Chris and I have been camping for only three years, while his brother’s family, as well as his parents have a few more adventures under their…

Rest in His Power by Angela Scott

“Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him.”   Psalm 37:7 Ahhhh….rest. How that word often escapes me. Between my responsibilities as a mother, wife, employee, my church, family and friends; rest is almost a foreign word. Something always needs to be done, and in my world, it needs to be done right now.…

The Missing Piece by Kasey Hanson

When we allow God to give us a quest mentality, His presence fully redeems our past and restores our happily every after with Him.    Our new puppy ate a piece of my Disney puzzle. My daughter, Kylie, and I immediately threw the entire puzzle away. Puzzle piece number 376 with shades of blue for…

Welcome Kasey Hanson to our team!

Choosing Him Ministries would like to welcome Kasey Hanson to our writing contributor team. Kasey’s depth and humility have a special way of highlighting Jesus in every detail of our lives. Follow her on her upcoming blog, The Missing Place, on this website or on Choosing Him Ministries Facebook.