Tending Sheep by Angela Scott

What do you do when the things that you thought you would have achieved haven’t come to pass? Maybe you had big dreams; a burning desire to fulfill a lifetime goal, or maybe you’re at the point where you’re saying “there has to be more to life than work, kids, cooking dinner, washing dishes, and…

Finding Freedom by Kasey Hanson

Have you been tooting your horn waiting for walls to fall down?   To Gideon, Pascal, and Nelly, ex-slaves who lived during the Reconstruction era after the Civil War, being given forty acres and a mule represented a life of freedom. The historical fiction novel, Forty Acres and Maybe a Mule, by Harriette Gillem Robinet,…

Sift Away by Annette Burrell

I have fallen in love with Pampered Chef items—mainly their cutlery, but anything Pampered Chef looks appealing to me. I got bogged down in their bakeware and cooking tools sections when looking through their catalogue for a flour sifter. I used the search bar and plugged in “flour sifter” and what came up was a…

Broken Cisterns by Angela Scott

My parents have a cistern and in fact many of the homes across the Caribbean do too. In case you’re not familiar with the term, a cistern is a waterproof receptacle used for holding water and is usually the first step in building most homes in the islands. It differs from a well in that…

Student for Life by Kasey Hanson

If I am the star of the show, superhero or villain, then it maybe time for a dose of humility.   “It’s hard to admit when we might not be awesome at something, but at the same time admit we aren’t complete losers. We are learners. As adults, our pride tries to entertain us assuming…